Medhi was born in Cairo, Egypt. In early 2021, Mehdi had been accepted to the Mechanical Engineering Technology program at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Ontario. His studies were set to commence in September 2021. This was a real dream come true for Mehdi: to be able to leave his country and study abroad was one of life’s greatest privileges and he was ready for it!
At the time Medhi contacted us he was beyond distraught: IRCC had refused his study permit application as the Officer was not satisfied that Mehdi would leave Canada at the end of his studies -- a common reason IRCC rejects study permit applications. For Medhi this seemed like an impossible obstacle to overcome. How could someone prove something that hasn’t yet happened? Also, how could he get another study permit in such a short period of time? After meeting with Medhi and explaining the possible outcomes, we came up with a plan. We carefully analyzed his file and developed in-depth legal arguments based on case law and a comprehensive study plan to bolster his study permit application package to support our position. Our arguments were successful, and Mehdi was granted a study permit. We are very pleased that we could help him to achieve his academic goals.

Dr. Huber
In February 2022, at a time when both federal and provincial officials were tightening Covid-19 restrictions across Canada for unvaccinated travellers, our firm achieved the almost impossible when our unvaccinated client was granted entry into Canada despite her vaccination status. When we initially met Dr. Huber she had just returned from her trip to Canada: she had been refused entry and was put on the next flight back home to Abu Dhabi. The refusal wasn’t the only issue — dozens of her patients were enduring excruciating pain as the patented procedure they needed – and is unavailable in Canada — was indefinitely postponed.
Our response to the situation was quick and targeted: we reviewed all applicable Quarantine Orders and Public Health policies in effect and investigated Dr. Huber’s complex medical history. We found an exemption applicable to Dr. Huber’s case. We proceeded to gather all necessary documentation and prepared a meticulous port of entry package for our client, to facilitate her re-entry into Canada. To be one step ahead of the situation, our firm contacted CBSA agents prior to our client’s arrival to further promote her case. Additionally, Ms. Renata Brum, principal at Brum Immigration, made herself available on an on-call basis throughout Dr. Huber’s trip back — just in case she faced any complications with the airline or border authorities. As a result of our creative strategies and quick response, Dr. Huber was granted entry back into Canada within a month of her initial refusal. We are overjoyed with the results and happy to have assisted Dr. Huber and the patients who anxiously awaited her arrival.

In 2003, Amal obtained a certificate of Canadian citizenship at the age of sixteen years of age, after her father submitted an application on her behalf. But there was a problem: this document was granted in error, and Amal, now aged 32, believed for over sixteen years that she was in fact a Canadian citizen. She had always dreamed of making Canada her family’s home.
It was only in 2019 that Amal was notified by IRCC that her Canadian citizenship certificate was invalid and that IRCC intended to begin the process of revoking her citizenship status. At the time she received the notification, Amal and her two very young children had escaped a war-ridden Yemen and had established themselves in Canada. But remaining in Canada would prove to be no less full of hardship: her youngest child was refused visitor status because of Amal’s precarious status; he was ill and required medical attention, but Amal had no recourse to medical care for him; the social assistance housing officials threatened to evict her if she could not prove her son’s legal status in Canada and her own; and without status, she was informed that she would be refused social assistance. Yet, returning to Yemen was not an option. The dream she had held for over half her life of living in Canada disappeared.
Knowing that she had no financial means, we took on the case on a pro-bono basis. We worked with a local newcomer organization to help us to liaise with social service agencies, keep a roof over her head, and maintain social assistance. We identified the key issues regarding IRCC’s error and prepared lengthy submissions, requesting reinstatement of citizenship status on humanitarian grounds on an expedited basis. Shortly thereafter, we received confirmation that Amal’s citizenship would be maintained. Then, we set about preparing a sponsorship application for her young son. We recently received notification that our submissions were accepted by IRCC and that Amal’s son is a permanent resident, and able to get the medical care he requires. In addition, with the help of the local newcomer organization had steadfast courage, Amal improved her English skills, and found a job. We are now helping her to sponsor her husband. We are ecstatic to have been able to achieve this excellent result and wish them all the best in building their future and new memories together in Canada!

With over 100 different immigration pathways for skilled workers, business people, and families in Canada it is no wonder applicants are often dazed and confused by the options. Adam approached our office after having created numerous Express Entry profiles but never received an invitation to apply for permanent residency. Before meeting with us, Adam was always a few points short of the average candidate and like most applicants, Adam believed that he just needed an average score to be selected; however, Adam soon learned that focusing on the average score was absolutely the wrong approach.
We sat down with Adam and analyzed his profile. Considering that even a tiny increase could make all the difference on his journey through the program, our task was to consider each factor one by one and seek to improve Adam’s score. We provided Adam with different tips on how to increase his points: one of the many suggestions we made was that Adam retakes his language test since language skills, in general, are the most valued human capital factor under the Comprehensive Ranking System.
Adam entrusted us with completing his Express entry Profile and within a few weeks, IRCC invited him to apply for permanent residency. As a skilled worker already in Canada, Adam applied through the Canadian Experience Class and obtained his permanent resident status in 2021. Great job, Adam!

International students in Canada can work up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session. During scheduled breaks like the summer vacation or holiday break, there is no limit to the number of hours an international student can work. This regulation was adopted to help students cover their living expenses while in Canada; however, what happens to students whose financial situation changes so dramatically that they can no longer afford to study aboard and face the possibility of having to abandon their studies and go back home?
This was Robert’s situation back in 2020. As a master’s student in Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University, Robert had excellent marks and had every intention of graduating with top honors, and eventually gaining sufficient points in the Express Entry system to become a permanent resident. Things were looking up for Robert until he got the call that changed everything: Robert’s mother in Malaysia lost her job and was no longer able to pay his tuition fees. The life and goals Robert set up for himself collapsed: he was destitute. Our office proposed a temporary solution that would solve his issues permanently. Our knowledge of exceptional measures and short-term relief helped set a new course for Robert so that he was able to continue studying in Canada as initially planned. We are happy to announce that Robert is still pursuing his academic goals and will be applying through the Express Entry program in the fall of 2022. We are so satisfied to have been of service to such a deserving individual.

The Silva Family
Mr. Silva, his wife and three children first entered Canada in 2015 after obtaining a visitor’s visa. The Silva family made the difficult decision to leave their home country of Brazil after living in constant fear and threat of violence for years. At the time the Silva family came to our office, they had previously applied for their visitor visa extensions, two humanitarian applications (H&C) as well as a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA), all of which were rejected for one reason or another. After the rejection of their PRRA and H&C applications, the Silva family was ordered to appear before a CBSA agent in order to prepare for their removal from Canada. During this time, Mrs. Silva gave birth to their Canadian son who was unfortunately born with significant health issues and was hospitalized immediately following his birth. Furthermore, there were three other children who would be directly impacted by the Silva family’s deportation. The facts on file were clear: all Silva children would be at significant risk of psychological and physical harm if they were removed to Brazil.
Considering all the intrinsic details of the file as well as recently refused applications, our office had to quickly determine which course of action was best suited for the Silva family, on an urgent basis: CBSA was knocking on their door. To get a better understanding of IRCC’s previous refusals, we ordered the immigration officer’s notes made in the IRCC system, read all of their previous documentation, analyzed their previous refusals, and got to work. In our submissions, we laid down the scenario and addressed each potential issue that might arise so as to be one step ahead of IRCC. Just before the interview with CBSA, we faxed the entire package – 200 pages – to the reviewing officer. Although the journey was extremely difficult, we are happy to announce that the outcome was a positive one. The Silvas were not removed from Canada! As a matter of fact, the couple lives and works in Ontario and their children are enrolled in a great school. The Silvas are safe and sound in Canada and building their future here.

Aside from our work with individual applicants, Brum Immigration has also represented large international corporations located in Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Italy, France, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Servia, Czech Republic, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the United States. These companies encompass corporate and franchise supermarkets, pharmacies, as well as apparel companies in Canada. We were initially approached by these companies to facilitate the entry of their foreign workers into Canada during the pandemic. All of them were essential workers supporting critical infrastructure as technicians and specialists, working on finely calibrated equipment. At a time when border closures made entering Canada next to impossible, or extremely prolonged and quarantining in government facilities was the norm – in spite of the essential nature of the work — our mission was to overcome these unprecedented obstacles. Considering that safeguarding its citizens was Canada’s # 1 goal at that time, it was not an easy task to convince government officials to release foreign workers from quarantine facilities.
Despite the inherent difficulties, we are happy to say that our firm had a pivotal role in assisting hundreds of foreign workers entering Canada during the pandemic. Additionally, our proven strategies led to the immediate release of many quarantined foreign workers. Our clients were beyond satisfied with the immediate ability to staff their Canadian subsidiaries and complete their projects on schedule. Months later, despite travel restrictions being lifted, our corporate clients continue to employ our services for other immigration matters and we are happy to assist!

Samira didn’t have an easy start in life. She was born into a family that in her adult years would force her into a loveless marriage. Samira made the decision to leave her family and seek refugee status in Europe. Her application was denied and sometime later, she found herself in Canada. Samira came to us after she had met her partner, a Canadian citizen seeking to sponsor her. Guided by our expert advice, the couple learned how to tell their story and convince the immigration authorities of their authentic intentions. Our hard work resulted in their application being accepted in record time. Any concerns or doubts expressed by IRCC were immediately dealt with: no stone was left unturned. The couple currently lives in Ontario and is expecting their second child.

Mr. Nunez
When we initially meet with Mr. Nunez, a citizen of the United States, he needed help coming to Canada as a foreign worker. As a highly specialized Electromechanical Technician, his presence was required at a Canadian company so that he could install and inspect specialized electromechanical components of patented hardware. During his stay in Canada, Mr. Nunez will also receive additional training on hardware and software that he would use on present and future projects.
Despite meeting the eligibility requirements to enter Canada as a business visitor, Mr. Nunez had been charged with a minor infraction in the United States. Although Mr. Nunez was a first-time offender, and, after pleading no contest, paid his fine and completed his probation period, our firm had to prove that Mr. Nunez’s criminal matters were resolved or IRCC would consider him inadmissible and bar him from entering Canada. After extensive legal research, our office carefully drafted written submissions on behalf of our client, explaining in further detail the circumstances leading to the charges. Additionally, we liaised with American authorities to obtain all required documents to prove our client’s admissibility. We were able to successfully argue that the charge did not render Mr. Nunez inadmissible to Canada, which the Officer agreed with. Thanks to our speedy and hard work, our client was able to enter Canada and provide his specialized service to Canadian businesses in Ontario.

Our clients, whom we represented in their permanent resident application, went to visit their extended family in Guyana: no issue there, except for the fact that they forgot to renew their permanent resident cards before leaving! Not knowing the consequences of traveling without valid PR cards, our clients were now stuck in a country that was no longer theirs. With the upcoming christening of their grandchild, our clients feared missing the whole ceremony — a ceremony that was very important to them.
Considering the longer than usual processing times, we needed to act quickly. We carefully crafted written submissions and obtained documentary evidence to support our urgent request for a PRTD. Additional copies of the submissions were sent to other government entities just to ensure that the application was being processed urgently. Our efforts and persistent work paid off. Both our clients were granted a new PRTD in record time and were able to board the plane and fly back home. Additionally, we scheduled an appointment on behalf of our clients so that their PR cards would be renewed upon their return to Canada.

Mr. Pereira
Mr. Pereira initially hired us to represent him in his Canadian citizenship application. As we prepared his application, we learned that Mr. Pereira left his home country of Portugal in search of a better life and he found it here in Canada. He first entered Canada in 2007 as a temporary foreign worker and continued to work in the construction industry for years after his arrival. Sometime later, while at work on a construction site, Mr. Pereira fell off the roof of a building and plummeted 35 feet to the ground. His initial injuries included loss of consciousness and post-traumatic amnesia along with multiple broken limbs. Additionally, Mr. Pereira’s significant cognitive impairment rendered it impossible for him to learn and retain new information. As such, it was not possible for Mr. Pereira to study for, sit, and pass the knowledge and language tests usually required to obtain Canadian citizenship.
Considering that Mr. Pereira met all the other requirements for citizenship, it didn’t seem right to let his medical condition interfere with his application. Therefore, our firm prepared a submissions package requesting that IRCC waive Mr. Pereira’s requirement to demonstrate adequate knowledge of English or French language as well as the requirement to demonstrate adequate knowledge of Canada. We provided immigration officials with all the necessary medical evidence and written submissions to authenticate Mr. Pereira’s inability to complete the citizenship requirements. We are still waiting on IRCC’s decision; however, considering the comprehensive and detailed legal arguments of our work, we are confident that the outcome will be a positive one. We’ll keep you posted.

Mr. Garcia & Mr. Pinto
Mr. Garcia and Mr. Pinto first met in June of 2018 at a Toronto Pride Parade organizing event. The two felt an immediate connection and began dating immediately after their first meeting. The couple fell quickly in love and Mr. Pinto proposed to Mr. Garcia in July of 2018. On September 14, 2018, the couple was married in an intimate ceremony with friends and family. The two remain happily committed and deeply in love to this day. Soon after their nuptials, they submitted a spousal sponsorship application so that Mr. Garcia could become a permanent resident and enjoy the rest of his life in Canada with Mr. Pinto.
At the time the couple came to see us in May 2021, they were both deeply distressed by the delays in their application. It had been 31 months since IRCC received their application, and nearly triple the stated processing time has passed without explanation. This case had clearly taken significantly longer than the process requires by IRCC’s own public-facing standards, and no justification was given to either applicant. The worsening physical and mental health of Mr. Garcia and Mr. Pinto and the financial instability due to lack of employment and funds for healthcare for Mr. Garcia are a direct result of IRCC’s delay in processing. For almost three years, the couple’s request for information went unanswered. To make the situation even more traumatic, the couple’s local member of Parliament’s attempts at obtaining status information were equally ignored. Despite meeting the eligibility requirements and having complied with all IRCC requests during the processing of the sponsorship application, their application was at a standstill with no clear reason as to why. Something needed to be done!
In May 2021, we sent a letter to IRCC requesting that they process the pending sponsorship application to a final decision within thirty-five days, otherwise our firm would seek remedy in the Federal Court of Canada in the form of a writ of mandamus. After receiving no response, we filed an application to the Federal Court. In July 2021, not long after filing our arguments at the Federal Court, IRCC contacted our clients advising them that their sponsorship application was in the final steps and would be finalized shortly. On July 21, 2021, our clients received a letter from IRCC stating the following: “I am pleased to advise you that your application for permanent residence in Canada is now complete. Congratulations! You are now a permanent resident of Canada!”. Thankfully, our hard work, as well as our client’s, eventually paid off.

Paul & Ana
Paul and Ana approached our office after receiving a visitor visa refusal for Canada. The reason behind the refusal was unreasonable and unjust as it clearly had not considered the supporting documents that Ana had sent with the application. The couple had met and fallen in love during the COVID-19 pandemic and wed in the Bahamas. After months of separation because of travel restrictions, Ana wanted to travel to Canada to be with Paul and to meet his family who was unable to attend the couple’s wedding in 2021. It was very important for the couple and the family that they gather during the Thanksgiving holidays so one can imagine how devasting the refusal news was for the whole family.
We assisted our client in sending IRCC a request to reconsider their initial refusal. We conducted the necessary legal research to reinforce our request, thoroughly reviewed the Officer’s notes, and carefully drafted our request for reconsideration to demonstrate how key evidence had been ignored. Thankfully, IRCC agreed to re-open the latest visitor visa application without a fight.
After receiving a letter from IRCC confirming that the application would be re-opened, our office prepared additional submissions and updated information. We are happy to announce that the visitor’s visa was accepted: Ana, Paul and the family were ultimately reunited on Thanksgiving 2021.

Jared & Helena
At the time Jaren and Helena came to see us in 2019 they needed assistance with their citizenship application in Canada. Jaren, Helena and their children entered Canada in July 2005 and after what seemed like a lifetime, they finally became permanent residents in November 2011. Once eligible, the couple and their children applied for Canadian citizenship in May 2016. The citizenship application should have progressed as usual; however, a surprising turn of events back in Brazil would halt their citizenship application for years to come.
The delay was confounding, but we knew that it was up to us to go to the source of the problem, because IRCC and CBSA could postpone the case indefinitely, “waiting” for more information from abroad. The initial investigation required us to file 10 ATIP requests until we discovered that the first issue that needed to be dealt with was a police investigation against Jaren which had been opened in Brazil in 2003. Evidently, this was a sizeable obstacle in becoming a Canadian citizen. Jaren had no knowledge of this investigation – which lasted 12 years — even though he was living in Brazil when the investigation first opened. Jared had only found out about the case years after he had established himself in Canada: ten years after leaving his home country. We immediately contacted a lawyer in Brazil to investigate the case, which was eventually dismissed because there was no evidence to indicate that Jaren had committed any crime. The investigation revealed that someone had used his identity and falsely accused him of being the perpetrator of the accused crimes. Once we obtained proof that the Brazilian court found that Jaren had committed no crime, we supplied the court records to IRCC. In consequence, Jaren was no longer found inadmissible under the Immigration Act.
A few months later and another bump in the road when our clients were notified that IRCC was skeptical about our client’s physical presence in Canada and more specifically, whether they met the requirements of the Citizenship Act. We immediately prepared written submissions and gathered documentary evidence – an entire legal box of evidence – demonstrating that our clients had been physically present in Canada for the period in accordance with their declarations and that they, therefore, meet the requirements of the law. Our hard work resulted in the Canadian government granting our client Canadian citizenship in 2021. A long journey with success at each step - truly rewarding for us and our clients!